Before travelling, you must check this stuff and dont forget it
It's been said that you will DEFINITELY forget your tickets if you place them in a location designed to help you remember not to forget them.
We suggest keeping it with your tickets at all times.
Extra Socks
You don't want to end up wearing the same pair of socks the entire trip.
And yet, people do forget to pack this.
The Right Kind of Shoes
Think ahead. What are you traveling to and what is the purpose of your trip? While sneakers look fine on the plane, you would not want to be stuck wearing them to a business meeting.
This is especially important if you are traveling overseas. Be sure to carry currency that will be accepted at your travel destination.
If you are currently taking any prescription medication, we highly recommend that in addition to bringing the medication itself, you also take with a copy of the prescription in case you need to get it refilled while you are traveling.
Important Contact Numbers
Even though you are trying to get away from just about everything, don't leave your address book/planner at home. Should an emergency arise, you will need fast access to the person you need to call at home for help. The last thing that you want to do in an emergency is have to dig up a number.
You don't want to neglect your teeth. If nothing else, avoid the embarrassment of morning breath by ensuring that you've packed your toothbrush.
I.D. tags on your baggage
This is perhaps one of the most important things. Baggage I.D. tags are required. It is a good idea to place I.D. tags on and in your baggage before you get to the check-in counter. Recognizable tags assist in locating your luggage upon arrival and assists in returns if your luggage is accidentally lost