Handbook of Chemical Processing Equipment
Nicholas P. Cherernisinofi Ph. D.
The chemical industry represents a 455-billion-dollar-a-year business, withproducts ranging from cosmetics, to fuel products, to plastics, to pharmaceuticals,health care products, food additives, and many others. It is diverse and dynamic,with market sectors rapidly expanding, and in turmoil in many parts of the world.Across these varied industry sectors, basic unit operations and equipment areapplied on a daily basis, and indeed although there have been major technologicalinnovations to processes, many pieces of equipment are based upon a foundation ofengineering principles developed more than 50 years ago.
The Handbook of Chemical Processing Equipment has been written as a basicreference for process engineers. It provides practical information on the workingprinciples and engineering basis for major equipment commonly used throughoutthe chemical processing and allied industries. Although written largely with thechemical engineer in mind, the book's contents are general enough, with sufficientbackground and principles described, that other manufacturing and processengineers will find it useful.The handbook is organized into eight chapters. Chapters 1 through 3 deal with heattransfer equipment used in a variety of industry applications ranging from processheat exchange, to evaporative cooling, to drying and solvent recovery applications,humidity control, crystallization, and others.
Chapters 4 and 5 cover stagewisemass transfer equipment. Specifically, Chapter 4 covers distillation, and Chapter 5covers classical mass transfer equipment involving absorption, adsorption,extraction, and membrane technologies. Chapter 6 discusses equipment used inmass separation based upon physical or mechanical means. This includes suchequipment topics as sedimentation, centrifugal separation, filtrations methods.Chapter 7 covers mixing equipment and various continuous contacting devicessuch as gas-solids fluidized beds. Finally, Chapter 8 provides the reader with acompendium of short calculation methods for commonly encountered processoperations.
The calculation methods are readily set up on a personal computer'sstandard software spreadsheet.Select references are provided in each chapter for more in-depth coverage of anequipment subject, including key Web sites that offer vendor-specific informationand equipment selection criteria. In a number of chapters, sample calculations areprovided to guide the reader through the use of design and scale-up formulas thatare useful in preparing equipment specifications or in establishing preliminarydesigns.Although the author has taken great care to ensure that the information presented inthis volume is accurate, neither he nor the publisher will endorse or guarantee anydesigns based upon materials provided herein. The author wishes to thankButterworth-Heinemann Publishers for their fine production of this volume.
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